Restaurant in der nähe Whitehall

18 gefunden
Wir haben über 21 Essen in Whitehall gefunden. Darunter
  • 18 Restaurant
  • 3 Fast Food

Pizza Hut

50 Towne Square Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15227, USA, GPS: 40.367695,-79.98345

We are taking additional actions to prioritize safety at our Pizza Hut restaurants in the U.S. Most immediately, we’ve increased the frequency of our already strict sanitizing procedures in high touch point areas in our restaurants like door handles, front counters, credit card machines, seats, d...

Silk Road Gourmet Chinese

5301 Grove Rd Ste 1 (at Baptist Rd), Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA, GPS: 40.3578,-80.00109
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Silk Road Gourmet Chinese Restaurant is conveniently located in Caste Village Shoppes, just minutes from downtown Pittsburgh in the South Hills. Consistently rated as one of the top Chinese restaurants in Pittsburgh, Silk Road Gourmet Chinese is now proud to offer a full Sushi Bar and Hibachi me...

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